Today it was announced that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has declined 2 quarters in a row, which is the definition of a recession in the United States. Anyone who says or who tries to tell you we are not in a recession are not telling the truth. This includes President Joe Biden who said we are not in a recession; rather, we are in a transition. When the truth is trampled on they can never fix our problems. President Biden has now become a socialist in his governance, and he will never succeed at presiding over our country in a strong, competent manner that we expect of our chief executives. Biden is a liar, as is his administration. What I don’t understand is why does he lie constantly?
The U.S. will officially be declared in recession tomorrow; can Biden respond?
The federal Reserve raised interest rates 3/4 of a point making it that much harder to borrow money. But in essence they should have raised it at least 5 points to help stop the recession from going into warp speed. Tomorrow we will find out if the GDP fell for a second quarter in a row. To be in a recession most economists feel that if (GCP) falls 2 quarters in a row then we are in a recession. Their is a poll out now saying that 3/4 of democrats feel that our party needs new blood. Unfortunately for the United States, President Biden has so many medical and personal problems, and he just doesn’t seem to cut the mustard any longer.
Trump, Pence gives speeches to separate groups at Washington DC conference
Former President Donald Trump gave his first organised speech today in Washington D.C., the first time he has been in the U.S. Capitol since leaving office in 2021. Earlier today former Vice President Mike Pence also gave a speech. What was interesting is that Fox News covered Mike Pence’s speech, while ignoring the speech given by the former president. Both had kind words for each other but the two are in a power struggle for the heart and soul of the GOP, and each has their own mind on who they are endorsing.
Pence represents the more traditional, establishment wing of the party represented by George Bush, his father, and Mitt Romney, while Trump is more of a populist. They are not likely to team up again if Trump decides to run for office in 2024; in fact Mike Pence is considering running himself, and is likely going to be Trump’s biggest rival if he so chooses. Once I announce, I look forward to running for and winning the Democratic primary, then have a series of robust debates with either Trump or Pence for the general election.
New York Times puts out two op-eds urging DOJ to investigate Donald Trump for Jan 6
The New York Times has two op-eds where they feel that the lawmakers should push the DOJ to criminally investigate former President Donald Trump. I am a Democrat and I do not feel that President Donald Trump broke any laws on January 6, 2021. During the investigating by the January 6th committee they even had the gall to take out what President Donald Trump actually said. If anything, the Department of Justice should open an investigation into the January 6 committee for racketeering. It would be simple to prove since they left out where President Trump said March peacefully.
Secretary Buttigieg tone deaf on America’s energy and transportation woes
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg made a huge mistake by calling out and blaming normal Americans with regard to the energy debacle in the United States. He had the gall to state that the higher cost of fuel is good for the President’s plan because it may force people to buy electric vehicles, which currently are unaffordable to over 80% of the population. This administration has shown their hubris by hurting poor people by the huge price of gasoline, and with inflation taking its toll on other products, it’s not affordable to poor to average people. Secretary Pete Buttigieg who care less about the average American. He gets a high paying job because he ran for President of the United States and was rewarded for supporting Biden with this cushy, but obscenely handled job as Transportation Secretary. That is the reason this administration and all the cronies involved get thrown out onto their ear, and pronto.
Oil policy between Biden and Trump are like night and day
Iran’s oil is what the President of the United States is still trying to deal with, as I have said before oil is the gold of the 21st century. When I first ran for president a decade ago, I wrote 3 copyrighted speeches (all linked here): 1. Oil Platform, 2. Israel Policy 3. Immigration policy. During this time I talked with the Famous Mark Levin and I said I could get gasoline down to approximately $1.50 a gallon. At that time it was approximately $4.50 a gallon in California, and he mocked at the idea and laughed at me basically showing his repulsion for me as a Democrat and he said no way. Well later that year Iran started pumping out 4 million barrels a day, and with Trump in office the domestic energy business took off like a rocket ship.
At one point the lowest recorded (regular) price was down below a dollar a gallon in Texas! No, I didn’t get an apology, but then again most people do not have the insight that I had. Here is some news to show you how come our gasoline has dropped approximately 50 cents a gallon: President Biden opened up our strategic oil reserves to release 100 million barrels a day plus he add 35 million more barrels a day so yea it has come down, but it will all stop right after the election in November. Nobody in the mainstream media is talking about this clever plan, but it’s much worse as it could leave us defenseless if we are attacked. This is called a Ponzi scheme. With President Trump’s foresight, he had filled the reserve when the costs were at those record lows I mentioned before, and President Biden will go to any means to shore up his party’s position. Even though I’m from the same party, it makes absolutely no sense, unless you are actively trying to HURT the country.
Keep in mind that gas rose over dollar and a half from President Biden’s inauguration until the start of the Russian incursion into Ukraine. Since then we experienced the fastest rise ever: Gas went up an average of 10 cents a gallon for 18 straight days, finally tapering, and now it has steadily dropped since the peak earlier this month. And now President Joe Biden and the mainstream media are CROWING with derisive delight proclaiming that THEIR policies precipitated the drop in price! Sorry, Joe. It won’t resonate with the average voter who are now paying up to 50% higher for the same products as last year, and well after Trump left office.
Current heat wave similar to many in the past before industrialization
Triple digit heat wave comes across the United States and Europe but then again it is still not like the heat wave of 1923 where the “Death Wave” registered 57 degree Celsius, or 134 degrees Fahrenheit. When you hear activists say when it’s hot it’s global warming, or when it’s cold it’s climate change, you must laugh. I remember going to elementary school in 1964 and playing basketball. Occasionally, there was so much smog that it hurt to breathe so we had to stop and go indoors. If you really want to know the truth go to national geographic and you can see the cover alone of New York and you can’t see more than half a mile because of smog. And the iconic picture you see is from as late as 1988, when the Dodgers hosted the first game of the World Series…in October.
So while urban areas had poor air quality (and in many parts of the world in China and India, for instance, still have), it took a combination of technology and sensible localized regulations that, by and large, removed smog from most areas, where rarely any level of hazardous air conditions arise. However, you will hear lie after lie about our air quality but we report is honest and fair news thank you America.
Uvalde school shooting uncovers troubling law enforcement response
Uvalde shooting report came out earlier this week and it shows a lot of failures but this report is not to critize as much as it shows a lot of faults with the law enforcement mistakes. The report shows and does not call certain faults with individuals but as a whole. Remember if the police had gone in right away they would have saved a lot of lives. This topic is what gives to the American people that we are human and sure we make mistakes but when you try to call it gun control you are very much mistaken. A physical item like a gun is not in itself a problem but the person who loads and shoots a weapon is where the problem can be found.
President Biden’s trip to Middle East
Looking back at the President of the United States traveling around the middle east last week what became of his trip. In my opinion President Biden by showing up in Israel, and Saudi Arabia it broke up the tensions between our countries. Former President Trump is loved by Saudi Arabia and Israel. But the problem is President Biden has made enemies because he said Saudi Arabia is a “pariah” for the incident where the Saudi’s were involved with the murder of Washington Post contributor Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi national, within the country. But there has never been a trial and words mean something. Remember, never judge anyone unless that individual has been convicted of the crime pretty simple for someone who has common sense, but very few people have common sense.
Steve Bannon trial for contempt of Congress starts today
Yesterday Steve Bannon goes on trial for contempt of congress for not showing up for the January 6, debacle in which their are no cross examinations. Which is the first time I have never seen a trial when you don’t get to cross examination of a witness.รย But this does happen in Communists countries like China and Russia and Iran and a couple of others butr in the United States. When you can’t cross examine it is to be taken as a form of injustice and anyone who holds this type of hearing or trial should be tried for Sidition.
Iran threatens U.S. with nuclear bomb production boast
Iran government officials have come out boasting that it can now produce a nuclear bomb that can threaten the United States. So what have we learned over all the years with these with embargos and massive money drops on airstrips in foreign countries? We saw what happened to North Korea when we blocked it’s harbors and stopped almost all products from entering North Korea. But when we found out that North Korea went to a few countries like Iran and passed on the knowledge of how to make the nuclear bombs. That allowed North Korea to play wargame with their missiles, shooting them over Japan into the ocean, threatening to attack the United States.
It took then-President Trump to commit to peace on the Korean peninsula, offering to actually make friends with Kim Jong-Un their leader of North Korea, and even becoming the first president in history to step onto North Korea territory when he met with Kim at the former Friendship Square dividing the two Koreas. But since President Biden has come into office, the relationship has undergone a complete 180, and now we are not only at the brink of war with China (over Taiwan), Russia (over Ukraine), and Iran, but North Korea (who may be subtly working in conjunction with Chinese pressure) is now increasing their belligerence, particularly with Japan so nearby. Very troubling.
President Biden inaccurate on border status assessment
Again President Joseph Biden makes inaccurate messaging about the border is closed and he forgot about his execuative orders. His execuative order about the border being open is still in effect. But the administration keeps saying the border is closed are they just lame or lying on purpose or is our president just not fit to speak to the world when he lies over and over. When President Biden speaks he just isn’t coherent when he speaks. The country needs to hear the truth yet biden doesn’t know the truth and needs to see a doctor who can then talk to the American people so we know our leader is lucient and is in good health.