During the recent Oscar Academy Award ceremonies, Best Actor recipient Will Smith slapped Chris Rock who is a comedian who was hosting the Oscars Sunday night. As is his wont, Chris Rock has a tendency to make biting jokes about other celebrities and even their families, and in this case he made a joke about Smith’s wife, Pinkett, and her condition from the disease known as Alopecia, or hair loss.
But when Chris Rock started laughing and raising his arms to get the whole audience involved in the joke it was insulting Mr. Smith, who took the bait to rush the stage to attack Chris Rock. This was, in my opinion, the lowest point ever reached in the Oscars.
Both of these A-listers in Hollywood are the best in their roles. I feel sorry for Will Smith, who just received the Best Actor award for his role in King Richard, and Chris Rock, one of America’s funniest comedians. I have watched almost every movie that Will Smith has acted and he seems like a very great person; likewise, I have seen many of Chris Rock’s shows and feel he is one of the best comedians I have had the pleasure to watch.
While not common, Smith’s open-handed blow to Rock could have lead to his death. We are just a month out from Bob Sagat’s tragic death involving a similar injury to his temple in his hotel room, and violence is to always be condemned, particularly perpetrated in a public arena, let alone a worldwide show on live television.รย I use to teach Kung Fu and his temple was wide open, so lets just pray that Chris sees a doctor and getsรย check up to make sure that the brain isn’t damaged.