Fuel prices for automobiles has risen approximately 10% in the last month, and in some areas are up 50% for the entire year. Supple and bottlenecking along with fewer truck drivers and trailers to haul these containers have led to many of these problems, as well as shutting down production and projects such as the Keystone Pipeline. Everyone is blaming President Biden, who ultimately must take full responsibility, but in fact the real problem is letting Pete Buttigieg be promoted to U.S. Secretary of Transportation. Most people, including many Democrats, think that Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana was a terrible mayor. Though his mayoral issues are not fully proven, it is highly apparent that his stewardship of the Department of Transportation is beyond failure.
With the backlog of cargo ships hovering off Los Angeles / Long Beach harbors, and the longshoreman union having issues with pay and health issues, it looks as if this will indeed be a long winter. Pete Buttigieg cannot let this situation last much longer.