My op-ed for this week is going to consist of how to fix the systemic problem between Israel and the Palestinians relations which is to find and bind the two with a starter plan for peace in the region.
Major problems with the Palestinians is they have the terrorist groups Hamas, Islamic jihad, and Hezbollah, who have used and infiltrated the Palestinians and hide in plain sight.
Israel has to protect themselves from these terrorists groups and I will work with them and with Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the Palestinians. My plan which I am going to show starts with. I haven’t talked to anyone so this is just a rough start.
1) I propose to give every Israeli 50,000 dollars on a debit card
2) I will give 50,000 dollars to every Palestinian on a debit card
3) Every year I will give the same people 20,000 dollars yearly. Now these people who receiveรรย these debit cards must be approved by the leadership of the Palestinians. These debit cards cannot be given to any of the terrorists groups listed above.
4) I will make sure that we have an office in Israel and in Palestine. None of these cards can be used to donate to any group, as they are the property of a group to be named. People who receive this money must never be approached to give it to any organization or other group.
5) Their will be other terms but this start to helping all in the region except terrorists.