The budget for NASA for 2021 passed on December 21, 2020 was 23.3 billion dollars. President Joseph R Biden has proposed a 25.2 billion dollar budget for fiscal year 2021. Our space program needs far more money since China and Russia are working on joint ventures in space. We cannot have Russia who is working with the United States on the International Space Station. This compromises the United States technology where Russia could and would give our technology to China. China has landed on the Dark Side of the Moon and has claimed it as China’s property. China said to our Secretary of state in the first meeting with high lvl Chinese officials made the statement that we the United States were negotiating with weakness not from strength. I am taking that statement as a bloody nose to our Secretary of State. China humilated us and the Secretary of State was not able to get up from the floor from that punch. Remember the meeting was in our state of Alaska where this took place. Then China told North Korea to launch a few missiles and that was the second punch but this time it was directed to President Joseph R Biden. This conflict between the Chinese and President Biden has just began. China remembers what happened when Former President Trump beat the tar out of Xi Jinping/China over the trade war which we won overwhelming trade deal for our farmers. China like WW 2 could go south quickly if not handled correctly.
Now here comes the winning punch to China and Russia and all the other communists countries. World Leaders know exactly what I mean when i am done with this op-ed.
NASA is our winning ticket, and how to put the United States and our allies ahead for good in the Space Race, economics for the world to help get into the 23rd Century. For every 1 dollar spent on NASA gives back to the United States 10 to 14 dollars in GDP. For example 10 trillion to NASA gives back approximately 100 to 140 trillion into the GDP. Last year the United States had approximately 21 trillion in GDP. I plan to write a check to NASA for 10 trillion for this year and for the next 10 years. So after 10 years i will have given NASA 100 Trillion dollars so for each year that will equate to approximately 100 – 140 trillion per year for the next 10 years. China has a GDP of approximately 14.8 trillion a year it would take China how many years to catch the United States never.
I could make this happen in 1 week if President Biden, Speaker Pelosi and Senate leader Chuck Schumer. I only need 1 hour to explain how it would work and to get the ball started to finish 1 month. then President Biden, Speaker Pelosi, Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer with Vice-President Harris would be able to have a Victory Parade. This will stop China’s aggression since we would be speaking from overwhelming STRENGTH.
I am speaking of only 1 facet of what America is going to become. I love our country and im an not alone please America wake up and aim your thoughts on coming into the Golden Age.