Democrat run cities across the United States have had a run of smash and grab thefts. The Los Angeles police chief says they have just released 14 robbery susjpects due to the bail policy in California. This is sad. In my opinion we need to make laws that when you steal over 200 dollars worth of merchandise the suspects need to remain in jail until their trial and the sentence for such crimes should be five years in prison and make it a felony. We use to have a 3-strike rule and it was working till they repealed the law.
We have found out that it doesn’t work releasing criminals. The new law should be two felony convictions and make it mandatory 40 years in prison with no chance of being released until the full sencence is served. This is the reason that more police officers are being killed this year than ever before. We also need to not let any governor having the right to pardon anyone without Constitutional authority so we can be assured that criminals can’t harm society. People need to be protected from these hoodlums. Period.