Resann Art is committed to providing the best quality images and renderings for as many customers as economically as possible. With that being said, Resann Art has a commitment to maintaining not just the legal, but the ethical and moral standards of its product in conjunction with the integrity and intellectual property of the many artists that we emulate, along with the artificial intelligence we use to provide the basis for some renderings. Therefore, here are the list of principles that we follow:
- Basic copyright: All artists whom we emulate have been deceased for over 95 years. This automatically renders any of their work into the public domain, per U.S. copyright law.
- Many of the renderings were initiated through artificial intelligence (AI). Through a recent conference at the U.S. Copyright office, images that have been created through this method has been deemed not copyrightable by any person in the current form, whether the art was initially generated from a source under current copyright or not, in the current raw form of the initially-generated image.
- However, if there are significant alterations to those raw images, particularly with use of manual color manipulation, removal or addition of objects and subject matter, color alterations, change of brush techniques, and and other modifications that significantly improves or changes the initial AI creation, then it becomes a product of the entity doing to modifications. This allows the image to then be copyrighted by the entity.
- To that end, all images that are sold by Resann Art in digital or physical print are under legal copyright.
We take special care to ensure that any art derived from AI does not, to the best of our knowledge, generate content from artists who still have copyrights on their work. This is even before we start our manual process to produce a unique rendering consistent with the type of style referenced by any particular artist. In this manner, we can provide the customer with the experience of owning a high-quality artistic rendering of a classical artist, uniquely produced by Resann Art.
Finally, we are very transparent with regard to any mention by classical artists. We reiterate that the artists we emulate have absolutely no connection with the renderings released by Resann Art, which includes their estates (if they still are active). All artists are referenced by their artistic style, and not by any works that they have created.
For more information, please contact the U.S. Copyright office, and use your own discretion when dealing with any person or company on the Internet with regard to copyright claims.