Today President Joseph Biden attempted to mock former President Trump by calling him the “Great MAGA King.” But that only enabled Trump’s supporters not only to mock Joe Biden back, but actually appropriated the title with great glee. This turned out the same way when Biden and other Democrats attempted to denigrating MAGA as “Ultra MAGA” which now gave more ammo to the populists on the right.

The Democrats really need to learn their opponent’s thinking process a bit more. A year ago, a crowd at a NASCAR race was chanting a derogatory chant, “(Profanity) Joe Biden!” that had been popular with Trump supporters (and, in general, a growing amount of non-Trump supporters who didn’t like President Biden). While that was going on, an NBC sports reporter was interviewing the winner of the race, Brandon Brown. As the chants became nearly audible during the live national broadcast, the reporter stated that the crowd was yelling “Let’s Go Brandon!” This was immediately appropriated by the Trump supporters who now, instead of using the profane version of the chant, now had a kid-friendly chant that most people associated as the same as the profane version, and in effect eclipsed the profane version in popularity.
So not only does the Biden Administration or mainstream media have the ability to shame Trump supporters, it is apparent that the Democrats lack the ability to properly engage in proper debate of issues and principles, and feel that they have to denigrate half (more likely, far more than half) of the voting populace. A president comes through and helps all people, not just so-called “marginalized communities,” which are little more than re-segregation attempts at dividing the American people.
As an old school Democrat who believes in America first, I’m glad he is being called the great MAGA King. Remember, MAGA means “Make America Great Again,” and it befuddles the dickens out of us here at why this basic tenet isn’t jumped on by both parties, not just the Republicans. Every one of us should first thank our lucky stars that we are allowed to advance to our own goals and initiatives, which isn’t allowed in many areas of the world.
I had a relative, a cousin of my late mother, in World War Two who was captured in the Philippines by the Japanese forces. He was forced to endure the Batan Death March, with hundreds of fatalities of allied troops. So he understood greatly about the competence of the United States military who rescued everyone out of the hellholes of the Asian jungles.
During the Vietnam War I spent three years as a paratrooper. I volunteered for Vietnam for foreign base Hawaii for my stateside duty. Every man and woman I served with were proud of holding up the values of America, even in a turbulent period where many of our own citizens were having second thoughts of our service. Now I hear President Biden out stumping and making fun of the Republicans by calling them MAGA in a denigrating manner. In the meantime, I hope we don’t get invaded by China and Russia for I fear he will surrender, and if that happens, our Constitution is invalidated. We must keep up our faith and strength in these dire times, and if it means reclaiming part of MAGA for our side, we should do so.