Today President Joseph Biden resumed his attack on the United States Supreme Court. When the President of the United States is overseas, there has been an unwritten rule: As the head of the Executive branch of the United States, never attack either of the other two branches of our government: the legislative branch, Congress (consisting of the House of Representatives and the Senate), and the judicial branch, the United States Supreme Court, along with all the other federal courts. These branches have been enumerated in the Constitution, and while many people have erroneously stated that they are co-equal in stature, in reality they all have unique and (ostensibly) non-interchangeable roles in running our government.
Now President Joseph Biden’s polling and performance numbers are the worst in presidential history. Here is a short lists of his “accomplishments:”
- Withdrawal from Afghanistan: Instead of an orderly transfer of troops and billions of dollars of equipment back home, along with a failsafe security protocol that enabled the Afghan government to govern the vast country with the Taliban permanently subdued, the Taliban has now reinstated its hardline, non-democratic control of the people, murdered hundreds (if not thousands) of citizens who worked with the United States, and forced the evacution of tens of thousands of people NOT vetted into the United States, including leaving thousands of US citizens behind, now many of them unable to return, and now destitute.
- Covid-19: Not only did he not mitigate the spread of Covid-19, but with questionable vaccine releases along with policies that mandated its use despite health concerns, it looks as if Covid-19 will cause problems without end in the upcoming years.
- Supply chain problems: By mandating vaccine requirements for all dock workers and truck drivers, along with allowing prices of gas to skyrocket (more on that later), and finally, by his transportation secretary (Pete Buttigieg) taking family leave during the worst supply crisis since World War 2, Biden has essentially thrown a monkey wrench into the US supply system, causing prices to needlessly soar and shortages to become not just common, but built-in the economy in the foreseeable future.
- Food and baby formula shortage: Many suspicious incidents have happened to dozens of major food production facilities at all levels, from farming to production in plants, and is slated to make a major impact this summer and fall. Prices will rise, and with inflation the worst since the late 70’s, will result in many families not being able to afford food and other items of nourishment, adding to health problems that have also been decimated through the Covid-19 crisis.
- Illegal alien penetration of the souther border: Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have been allowed to enter the United States, with policies that not only prevent such egress but actually reward it with paycards and free trips to other parts of the country, where they will be registered onto voter rolls, making elections more difficult to police and outcomes become more and more uncertain as to the true intent of the American citizen.
- Inflation: By printing trillions of dollars and distributing it to non-productive spending entities that do not add real jobs or economic development to the country, coupled with the Fed raising rates on borrowing against the fiat US dollar, inflation is now the worst since the 70’s, and speculators says we aren’t going to get out of this slump for many months, perhaps years. To be frank, if this keeps up there will have to be action taken that have not been done before, such as bank run prevention techniques, removal of private funds from citizens through “haircut” protocols, and massive tax hikes that approach 70% (cumulative state, federal, and local) for all individuals making over $250,000 per year, and 50% for everyone else.
- Russian invasion of Ukraine: This move would never have happened if Biden were not weak internationally. Most leaders treat Biden like a dunce, as they should to be honest, but dangerously, this puts our own diplomats in arrears in their particular missions. Now that Russia is fully engaged and has been ceded land in the Donbass region along with two eastern cities, which are purportedly being negotiated to become independent of Ukraine with potential absorbtion into the Russian federation, the realization that this move would never have happened under the previous president, and indeed virtually any non-weak US president, has been coming to light for most US citizens.
- Finally, energy: The massive increase in prices is a direct result on the government shutdown of all major pipelines, the banning of drilling virtually anywhere in the country, and heavy regulations in refining petroleum and gas deposits is probably the most symbolic display of Biden’s incompetence. Trying to tie gas prices to Putin and the “greedy gas station owners” is nothing more that intentional malice toward the US citizen. Gas is scheduled to go up to $380 per barrel, which will necessarily increase the price at the pump to $20-$25 per GALLON. Yes, this is intentional.
All these actions come under the administration of one incompetent fool: Joseph E. Biden. What is really going on, and what can be done to stop the actions of such an evil, intentional administration, along with a completely out-of-touch Congress?