President Joseph Biden and his energy policy is destroying all of America and most of the free world. The United States has the most oil, natural gas and nuclear power in the world yet our weak President is so out of touch with the world he is running America into the ground. We need more that just energy but we also need clean water and to get and keep our water clean we need about 30,000 miles to as much as 60,000 miles of aqueducts we need our rivers like the Mississippi River to be brought up to the 23 century recommendations. We need to build, build, and build more we need more dams, and we need storage facilities to hold more fresh water holding areas inside the United States, Next we need the great lakes to be cleaned up to pristine conditions I also want 10,000 more beautiful lakes where we can swim, fish, and just have fun boating and to make great water reserves. If I get elected President of the United States I will make sure we get all of my ideas implicated.
I also see the day that we have 3 space stations and we break up the space station which we are in with Russia. I want nothing more to do with that killer President Putin. I plan to send the Russians packing with their few space nodes attached to our space station then we get the 3 space stations for America I will break up the international space station and let Russia more their half of the space station to Russian space or we can just pay the Russians for all of that station but Ii want it destroyed and our new gigantic 3 space stations build to be approximately 10 square mile space station then later we can build the space stations to be 20 square mile high, wide, and tall hmmm a square then as we add on I want it to grow in length and width.