President Joseph Biden has ordered the Strategic oil reserves to start releasing one million barrels a day for six months until the election in November is over. But like I have written yesterday, all President Biden needs to do is remove his executive order and allow all drilling, release all of his bans on refining and permits, and return the industry to all of the successful regulations prior to his taking over as President of the United States. President Biden, along with his cohort John Kerry, should not use use global warming, or climate change, as an excuse to hurt the United States. They have hurt all Americans, as rational energy policy should be conducted with proven, clean methods such as the modern combustion engine and nuclear technology. Wind won’t work at this time, as its production cannot be predicted nor predicated upon its need for constant wind sources, which don’t exist. In addition, the massive amounts of electric batteries to sustain charges during low wind periods cannot provide nearly enough of our needs, as well as provide another massive environmental problem of its own.
What is funny, though, is that fossil fuels for conventional grid-based electricity can actually be supplanted by another clean source, nuclear energy. It has been successfully demeaned in the past with accidents like Chernobyl in Ukraine in 1986 (then under Soviet Union rule), the Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania in 1979, and the earthquake/tsunami-instigated Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011. But those accidents can all be prevented with newer measures taken that essentially seal any danger from nuclear radiation. In fact, advances in nuclear technology have not just advanced greatly, but is far more able to provide for greater technological advances and innovation than other sources, especially over that of terrestrial-based solar power and wind farms. In fact, 300 modernly-constructed nuclear facilities around the country can provide all the energy needs, and then some, of our electric grid-based power, while innovations in converting dangerous waste material to even more energy, reducing waste to non-dangerous levels of containment that can render the need to transport nuclear waste to a remote facility obsolete.
But that will take both political will along with regulations that facilitate such development.รย We are nowhere near that time, and for now, clean fossil fuels for both grid- and mobile-power purposes is still necessary. What is President Biden really doing now to help that?