Not many news agencies will be reporting on inflation, which will cause many to ponder the time that interest rates rise. But good news is so close if our government officials would read News agency’s articles.
I have the answer: my idea is to pay off our total national debt of approximately 30 trillion dollars. Then I would follow up that idea with paying off all school loans and for the trifecta I would give all senior citizens a boost in Social Security benefits up to 3700 hundred dollars a month per person.
I would then give all womanรรย who are single parents the same amount and each child of those women 600 dollars a month for a total of 4200 dollars a month. If they worked, I would give them an additional 300 dollars a week child care per child.
This week on my op-ed for Sunday I have more news but it will be directed to our intelligent agencies, military personnel, border patrol, police officers and firefighters.
Also tomorrow I will be discussing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Please read Saturday and Sundays op-ed. Tomorrow will be my first Saturday op-ed as well.