Peace negotiations are in the works with Ukraine and Russia but their is little movement between the two countries. Fox News has had a team of journalists, one of the purported to have been killed in an attack by the Russian military.รย A journalist must get up close and personal to the story and they risk their lives when in combat duty. But it is known that the Russians don’t care if it is a woman, man or even if the interview is of a child these Russian monsters don’t seem to care but my prayers are with the Fox News team and may their families pray that their love ones come home alive.
This morning the President of the Ukraine gave a heart warming speech in front of the Canadian parliament and as I watched I couldn’t help but notice all eyes were on President Zelensky with his heartwarming speech, knowing that Ukraine has lost so many people. The humanitarian help is just such a huge ordeal of love and kindness with approximately 3 million people displaced by this senseless war by one egomaniac called Putin. Ones lust for power can’t be explained except power corrupts and corrupts overwhelmingly.
President Zelensky is scheduled to speak remotely before a joint chamber of the U.S. Congress on Wednesday morning.