Triple digit heat wave comes across the United States and Europe but then again it is still not like the heat wave of 1923 where the “Death Wave” registered 57 degree Celsius, or 134 degrees Fahrenheit. When you hear activists say when it’s hot it’s global warming, or when it’s cold it’s climate change, you must laugh. I remember going to elementary school in 1964 and playing basketball. Occasionally, there was so much smog that it hurt to breathe so we had to stop and go indoors. If you really want to know the truth go to national geographic and you can see the cover alone of New York and you can’t see more than half a mile because of smog. And the iconic picture you see is from as late as 1988, when the Dodgers hosted the first game of the World Series…in October.
So while urban areas had poor air quality (and in many parts of the world in China and India, for instance, still have), it took a combination of technology and sensible localized regulations that, by and large, removed smog from most areas, where rarely any level of hazardous air conditions arise. However, you will hear lie after lie about our air quality but we report is honest and fair news thank you America.