Several stories have piqued my interested this week, so I’ll start with this troubling story.
This week a child went home from school with a survey he had filled out in class. The child told the parents that the teacher had informed the class NOT to tell their parents. This is disconcerting on so many levels. Are we back in the 1940’s when Hitler turned the children on their parents for crimes committed against the state. In World War 2, Hitler murdered over 6 million Jews and other dissidents by gassing or burning them to death. Why is our Teacher’s union turning communist, especially under the leadership and, presumably, the direction of the Democratic Party. We need new laws to protect our children now.
If I become President of the United States, this kind of craziness will be halted immediately. I ran for President of the United States in 2012 and 2020. Please read my Immigration policy, Israel policy, and Oil Platform, first copyrighted back in 2012.รรย Thank you. I am Robert Jordan, owner of