This article is about Electric, Gasoline, and Diesel vehicles in the United States. My plan is to make electricity, and fossil fuels to be placed under national security. The problem with mandating electrical vehicles is that there has not been any substantial breakthroughs on preventing their usage from affecting the environment, while fossil fuel-based combustion engines have been approaching pollution-free exhaust status. For instance, the production of electric cars, the supply of electricity for their batteries, the current level of danger from crashes, and the current inability to effectively dispose of electric vehicles, particularly their battery components, exceed the overall pollution than the fossil fuel-powered vehicle of the same size. [Read more…]
Men and Women cannot change their gender

This article is going to just touch on how I hope our society relates to men and woman. I feel that men and woman are human beings and we both have feelings and different body parts and when we grow older our bodies change we go from children into adults call this change as puberty from boys and girls into adults and at a certain time little girls can turn into mothers and little boys can grow into adults and along with a woman can have children and we call this adult hood for sake of an argument. [Read more…]
Chinese Leader Xi Jinping wins 3rd term as CCP head
Xi Jinping wins his 3rd term as President of China a record which seems like he is unstoppable at this point in time.รย His goals is to dominate the world with military that will be able to beat down any other country and if the United States who has held this position looks to be losing ground to this Chinese leader. He looks to have more influence around the world, while President Joseph Biden of the United States is just far to weak. He doesn’t have the ability to lead as it looks like he is just out of touch with the world. [Read more…]
Journalists testify over Twitter collusion with the Democratic Party
Two independent journalists were being grilled about what was taking place at twitter prior to Elon Musk taking over as owner of Twitter and the dumps that he allowed both of these journalists to see all the files that were being dumped out in the open and they made their own judgements on all the material that Musk allowed them to put out in the open and these two journalists posted that both President Biden and former President Donald Trump were being screened by political hacks. [Read more…]
Biden relinquishing US sovereignty to China and Russia
A sniper who was a witness to the horrific suicide attack and was also injured during the bombing where Sargent Tyler Vargas of the United States Marine Corps was their and when the suicide bomber blew up our Sargent was hurt in the explosion.รย 11 marines, 1 sailor, 1 soldier were killed on that day as President Joseph Biden took out the military before taking out all our civilians, and military dogs, translators. [Read more…]
Two kidnapped Americans found murdered by Mexican drug cartel
2 Americans of the 4 who were taken kidnapped have been found alive at this very moment and this was great news. But we have sad news that the other 2 were killed by these savages. When human beings who live by fighting over drugs, money, gangs and grab Americans and they don’t even know who they have and can kill another human being for no reason but from hatred and don’t have any reason just to murder people who they don’t know or even have any idea who they have but to kill them is the most evil kind of humans. [Read more…]
Kidnapped Americans in Mexico cause problems for border security
The recent incident involving American citizens being kidnapped by Mexican cartels has once again highlighted the dangers of cross-border travel. Four of the kidnapped Americans are now being sought after a violent shootout, which underlines the extreme risks involved in such situations. [Read more…]
Robert Jordan’s op-ed: build new universities and hospitals for anticipated technology demand
The possibilities of scientific research are endless and exploring the uncharted territories of space, medicine, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, stem cell research, neuroscience, and mechanical engineering is the new frontier for the future. In this era of open science policy, there are no limits to what we can achieve. With the advent of space stations, we can now take our research to new heights and depths. [Read more…]
Robert Jordan’s Op-Ed: Build ultra-modern military equipment to ensure peace
We need to invest a significant amount of money into our U.S. military to completely deter any threat directed at our country in the next decade. The communist leaders of China and Russia has indicated that they want nothing less than to take over the United States, its people, and its economy, and will do everything they can to upgrade their nuclear and military technology, coupled with their existing information war against us via Internet sabotage and other forms of violence. But in the end, they plan on using military armaments against us and we need to have the military equipment and technology not only to repel them, but to strike back and prevent further escalation into existing conflicts. [Read more…]
DOJ dances around investigation of Hunter and James Biden’s alleged criminal activities
Hunter Biden, son of President Joe Biden, has been under investigation since 2018, yet no charges have been brought against him or the Biden family. Attorney General Merrick Garland has been accused of jumping through hoops and failing to bring a case against the younger Biden. With allegations of drug use, prostitution, and millions of dollars exchanged between Hunter, his father, and brother, James, many are questioning the lack of indictments.
The issue has become increasingly controversial, especially given the revelation of Hunter’s laptops and the gun he threw into a dumpster. President Biden has repeatedly denied any involvement in his son’s business dealings, despite evidence suggesting otherwise.
Critics argue that the lack of indictments against the Biden family points to a two-tier system of investigations, where those in power are given preferential treatment. The situation has sparked a wider debate about the role of the justice system in holding the powerful accountable, as well as the need for transparency and fairness in investigations.
President Biden blames former President Trump with new drug deaths
President Biden today was told that a mother had lost 2 children from Fentanyl poisoning and President Biden laughed and said it was the former presidents fault. Then President Biden was hit hard for that comment since last year approximately 108,000 drug deaths were reported and of that approximately 75,000 of those deaths was from fentanyl. To make Fentanyl you need the chemicals to produce these pills and they come from China. Remember former President Trump had completed all but a few miles of the border with a hugh wall but then President Biden stopped the wall from being completed. Now the kicker President Biden opened the border with an executive order allowing illegal aliens to cross from the southern border and approximately 6 to 8 million illegal aliens have crossed into the United States. The crimes these people have committed are like murder, rape, child molestation, and drug running. President Biden isn’t in my opinion mentally fit and hopefully they will give him the correct for what ever mental problems he has even if it is just lack of judgement.
More information from the Covid-19 lab leak fallout
Recent reports suggest that two US federal agencies have concluded that the COVID-19 virus most likely originated from a laboratory leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China. The White House has been informed that the FBI Director has come to the same conclusion. [Read more…]