Happy Flag Day! Today, Fox news made the analysis of the message of President Joseph Biden’s statement at his news conference about Syria, where he kept forgetting that it was about Syria instead of the President saying Libya. Biden should have said Syria, of course, in which Fox was correct in his analysis that Biden has made so many mistakes with regard to whom he talks to or remembers to address. It’s very sad when our president is both mocked and placated over his mental state. It also brings up the question of the presence of dementia, in which Biden would be mentally incapable of performing his job as President of the United States. That seems to be the topic behind President Biden’s back. Almost every time you see the President there is the worry is he going to fall or make a major blunder. The President only calls on a couple of news agencies due to mental capacity. President Biden’s chances of finishing out his term seems to be in question as his blunders are glaringly apparent almost every time he speaks and the few questions he takes. I’ve personally watched his walk and actually wonder if he can without stumbling, and wonder what his actual preparations prior to his events entail to allow him to accomplish even as much as he does. Let me know in the comments!