The largest nuclear power plant in Europe has been taken over by Russian troops in the southern part of Ukraine, while thousands of people all over the world take part on the march for the people of Ukraine. Never since WW2 has the world seen such devastation from war as what is happening in Ukraine. President Biden said in his speech prior to winning the 2020 campaign that he knows Putin and he will be tough on Putin, but he and Xi Jinping saw President Biden as nothing more than poop in the middle of a street; sloppy and stinky but nothing more.
Here is one example of how I see the leaders of China and Russia looking back at President Biden as nothing but a joke.รย Remember when Biden was walking up the stairs to Air Force One and Biden tripped three times, finally falling on the stairs and looking like a complete fool? Well it only got worse. Next fool move: pull out American troops without a valid withdrawal plan. Bringing thousands of unvetted Afghans, while leaving behind thousands of both American civilians and authorized Afghan Green Card holders. Eleven servicemember were killed by a suicide bomber, and thousands of Afghans are being tortured and killed for helping the Americans. It’s so sad that their isn’t anything we can do about it. Finally, Biden stopped the XL pipeline along with all fracking, and now wants to talk about buying oil from IRAN, of all countries.
President Biden is so scared he goes home on the weekends so that he can dial back from the job of president. This seems to be Biden’s problem, while over 1 million Ukrainian refugees enter Poland, Georgia, Romania, and other countries. Biden just won’t stand up and say their is now a no fly zone over Ukraine. They say it may start WW3, and military protocols MUST take kinetic acceleration into consideration. Ukraine isn’t worth WW3 to Putin or anyone else but it would show the two communist countries, Russia and China, America is not afraid it the world wants to annihilate itself, well have at it. no normal person wants to die, and China and Russia are in the same class no they won’t start WW3. But this is 2022; we should NOT be having these wars for no apparent reason in civilized countries.