On September 21, 2021 President Joseph Biden said from the Rose Garden podium at the white house that the U.S. Border Patrol agents on horseback used their reins to strike illegal aliens. Biden acted with malice and disregard for the border agents. President Biden said he would punish the agents, but in fact the agents were not using the reins to whip the illegal aliens, but were actually using them to prevent the individuals from harm. This pathetic president jumped to a conclusion that needlessly subjected the agents to discipline and negative reviews, with consequences that could have possibly cost them their careers with the Border Patrol…simply for a poorly-portrayed media photo.
This case is just one of many mistakes this president has screwed over. In my opinion he is just in over his head period. How can a man with his obvious mental condition hold the presidency in the first place? How can everyone keep covering up for this President as well? The horsemen Border Patrol agents were exonerated of all charges, refreshingly unusual in these two-tiered justice times, but our government needs a mending. I hope our legislators grow a spine and step in to use the 25th amendment. President Biden needs to be removed for medical reasons, as we are now heading into the greatest nuclear threat since the Bay of Pigs incident over 60 years ago. If Biden cannot keep his remaining wits about him we may see ourselves in dire straights.