President Joe Biden will ask the Department of Justice if he has the authority to cancel the student loan debt which is approximately 1.8 trillion dollars.
When i have run for President of the United States 2012 and 2020 I have the know how to pay off the National debt and to pay off the Student loan debt. I have never been called apon to give my knowledge on how i could simply write a check and pay off both debts. It’s so simple yet it seems like i am the only human being to have the know how to complete this simple task.
A few months I was on the Larry Elder radio show and i asked that question how would Larry Elder pay off the national debt and he said he would sell American land to pay off the debt. I responded that was the crazy and he abruptly hung up on me without my way to pay off the debt. Again I say to Mr. Elder his idea was crazy. Could you imagine China, or Russia coming in the United States and buying up that much land.
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