I am going to mix up in todays article and lets talk about abortion. Abortion is a very heated topic to discuss because Christians believe once a woman gets pregnant at a certain point the fetus will get a heart beat bingo they feel once a heart beat can be detected they now have a baby inside their body. Oh yea the baby gets their heart beat at approximately 6 weeks which equates to a month and a half. This is within the 1st trimester of 3 trimesters before the baby is born.
With the new Supreme Court the makeup is 6 republicans and 3 democrats and it is a turn to the conservative agenda. It seems that the democrats want open abortion even up to the day before the baby is born. Well the conservatives which are usually god fearing individuals like the 6 conservatives on the supreme court now. Until the Republicans grow up and realize if you are a conservative stand up for what is right and the democrats who are usually weak and will allow most anything without thinking it through. For instance If a woman has a baby inside her and the baby’s heart is beating and they allow the abortion that baby heart beat is then stopped and is basically murdered. They the abortion clinic can sell discarded remains to organ gathered for the umbilical cord has a use and they use the cord for Stem cells.
This issue is going to be probably the only issue the democrats will be using to get elected.