Santa Claus is coming to bring presents! He makes all his own gifts at the North Pole, but you only have 12 days left to get your love ones the best presents of the year. My wife decided to go shopping this past weekend and the shelves were still full to my surprise. Walmart even had little Christmas trees in pots so you can grow your own over the next few years and yes we bought one. Here is my suggestion for those who really want to take some time and make your better half happy. I gave my wife a few hundred dollars and I suggested to her to go buy makeup and fill her hugh stocking. Guess what she came back with another stocking! I have to fill 2 huge Christmas stockings. But what I though was funny she bought an airless cooker and lots of goodies she needed. The next morning I asked her where is the stuff for the stocking and she told me she opened them up and said every day is Christmas! Well, what do you know.
So this coming weekend I’m going to go do it myself, as I’m sure she planned it. So I hope you have learned a lesson from me: Do your Christmas shopping separate from your wife! Anyway I hope you have a wonderful Merry Christmas, from