did call United Statews Representitive Matt Gaetz’s office for comment on yesterdays article and he hasn’t responded.
What has happened to Special Council John Durham? Will our new Attorney General even let Mr John Durham’s report to even come out to give a final report or may he even stop Durham’s investigation continue? These questions haven’t even been talked abouit.
Special Council John Durham along with Former Attroney General William Barr were a hugh disappointment for the Trump adminstration. So many Americans let down by our government. I am sorry to report that America after 4 years of lies, misplaced government workers who basically let down Former President Donald J Trump. The left and the right showed how little true Americans in the intel agencys showed that the leadership of our intel agencys were so one sided on justice. At this pace if you could take a snapshot of history for each year way see the end of the United States of America. If it continues the Disasters will start falling. Their is still time for the major events to come will be in steps and the chances to fix what will break will be snapshots taking 1 picture per years but the longer it goes the harder it will become to gain our strength back as we lose at each snapshot. America is starting to crumble 1 snapshot at a time. As you can see before your very eyes.
What i have written since President Joseph R Biden took office in my op-eds. I showed them the way i took the snapshot and handed it for everyone to see and yet They punted the football. Now they are trying to come up with as stragedy. All the Departments, Spy agencys, news agencys couldn’t find a clue right in front of them all our government just passed up the chance to move to the 23rd century. I have given all you fools the answer and does anyone follow my proposals no. To to world if you care about the United States thenÂÂ read my op-eds before President Biden’s time is up, for my plan must start up soon or it will be to late good night.